Friday, October 9, 2015

My mouth runeth over.

On one hand I'm fine.  On the other hand,I'm uneasy and disappointed in me. 
I seem to have a case of "foot in the mouth" or perhaps it is better described as "can't you just listen, Joan"
I've been blowing it left and right.  I was asked to lead a group in a Presbyterian Ladies Circle in a "bible study (notice the small "b").
The subject was "water" ..creation was the opener.
I thought it would be interesting to include a discussion of "how big is this creation".  The local newspaper had just published a discussion about an unmanned rocket that landed on a comet many million miles from earth; and I included it as an opener ("how big is the creation we have to consider").  That went over pretty well.
But then (at the next meeting) I opened with a newspaper clipping from a fly-by rocket of Pluto that was even further out.
I never got to include the findings of water on Mars (which followed the first two articles).  The leader effectively complained that they were not interested in my "education".  I was dismissed..
I still think it's interesting to contemplate the size and significance of God's creation.  But I'm fired.

Next I was asked to join an evening bible study.  If anyone had a bible with them, it was invisible.  The leader talked about himself and ("graciously") included me in tales of his earlier service to the Lord.
I should have hidden under the chair or something because it went on and on and on...and was of no interest to anyone (including me).  The second week it picked up where the first week paused and I allowed myself to be entangled again.  No one is gaining anything except contempt ..I need a place to hide.
I not only feel like a jerk; I'm sure I am one...and old one. Lord help me  to honor you somehow.

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