Friday, October 9, 2015

Well, I guess I have to admit that I'm "over the hill"...perhaps over several hills.  On April 18 I turned into an 83 year-old.  What does that mean?  I have no idea.
  I don't feel any different than I have for the last few years.  My hair is now definitely gray but the stuff  under it functions pretty well. (well, most of the time).
  I just came home from a nice week in "The Villages" where Michael and Stef have purchased a second home.  It was very pleasant.  I like riding in the golf cart.  I would like to have a bit more time to see if I can still play golf (should not be bad if you don't have to walk the whole way). I need more than 10 minutes to get my swing back.  I'm going to find a driving range and try to recover what 30 years has erased (fat chance!)
    The world seems to be "full of sounds and fury...signifying something I'm sure.  It doesn't usually come very close to me; but I recently sold  the old double-decker bed and the one of the men who came took it upon himself to announce that the Jews are the whole problem in the world. ..He's a Muslim.
   To be honest, I was stunned!  I did not expect to hear any words like that in my home.  I didn't respond at all.  Looking back I think that was wise; but I wish he had just said thanks for the bed,and the sheets and blankets I had thrown in) and left in peace.
    I worried about them coming back for several days and gave thanks to the Almighty that I own a rather large, but peaceable dog who is part  Irish Wolfhound.
     But since then I have regretted that there doesn't seem to be any solution to the hatred that is overrunning the world again or maybe I should say, "still running over the world."  Hatred like that blurts out without cause, takes it's anger out on anyone in the room, or in the world, has no logic, no limits, no purpose.
    Dear Lord, please bring meaning, understanding, forgiveness, kindness, and peace to this very confused and sorrow-filled world.

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